Monday, 25 February 2013

The Revolutionary apps - Truecaller and Beam

In the era of smartphones truecaller is a must-have app for anybody.If you get a call from an unknown no. you just need to search the no. through this app and hurray you have all the information of this unknown caller.The app has a database of about 750 million numbers and guys trust me that's huge.

here just enter the no of the caller and boom.We can also search by name but currently this feature in unable in India.

Now the ques is from where is this information coming.The answer is "YOU".When you install this app you actually give them all your contacts and then by syncing it with your facebook, twitter accounts you provide a whole lot of information to them.With it you can also block the unwanted spam calls and i think that's just the icing on the cake..

So basically this is an amazing app but only if you are willing to compromise your  privacy with it.

Another amazing app is the Beam.Its an quick, easy and secure way to make payments on your phone.

Just register with the beam and get SPINS(SECRET PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER).Then buy a card of any amount.The code provided there is needed to be put in the app and in this way you actually transfer the money to your beam account.With this money you can pay bills, transfer money, recharge phone, recharge DTH etc.

I hope you find these apps interesting. Seeya people..!!!
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Hike Messenger

Instant Messaging is what is being in fashion these days.Earlier the mobile operators used to lure the customers by giving them different schemes for messaging but now-a-days most of the people even don't see these schemes.Now it's the age of IM. Whatsapp ,Hike have become people's choice. Whatsapp had been the no. 1 app recently and then hike was introduced with slightly different features than Whatsapp. Now with hike you can even receive messages when you are offline - an altogether different and useful feature.

Hike also offers messaging i.e 
  1. We can do hike-2-hike message 
  2. We can send messages to those who aren't on hike
  3. We can send message to any other phone user
We are provided with 100 free messages and if anybody joins hike on your reference then you can earn   Rs.20 per person.After you have a minimum amount as set by hike authorities you can redeem your money too. Isn't that great guys. What say people??

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Safety of an EMAIL

When we’re  with someone, our brain is examining the person we’re with continously. This particular part of brain is what makes interactions go smoothly. That part of our brain, however, is crippled online. When we are online all we have is the words you send.Though we assume that all the emotions all the feelings (that should have been there if we are sitting face-to-face) go with the email. It’s an unconscious assumption. Receivers think that positive email was more neutral. When the sender thinks it’s neutral, receivers tend to think it’s more negative. In other words, there is a general negativity skew to email.
But then there’s another problem: Very often in face-to-face interaction you get an impulse to do something or say something and your social brain says, “Uh-uh-uh! That’s not going to be effective.” But that message never comes back to you when you’re sitting writing an email, because there’s no feedback loop
The result is what’s called flaming. Flaming has been known since the earliest days of email. It’s when you’re worked up about something, and you sit down and you furiously type up a message and hit send. And for a split second you have a feeling of satisfaction, and then this morbid sense of, “Oh no, why did I do that? Why did I say that?” comes over you. That’s a flame. It’s a disaster. And it’s a disaster that would not have occurred face to face, most likely.
When you’re tempted to hit send when angry or frustrated, try this instead.
- Save the message as a draft.
- Take three deep breaths.
- Return to your email.
- Envision yourself as the recipient of the message.
- Would they think the message has a positive or negative tone?
- Revise as you see fit.
Taking an extra few minutes to reflect on your intention and message in an email could save you a couple of hours, days, or even weeks of headache and trouble.
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Hackers list : MICROSOFT (✓)

Hacking list :   MICROSOFT (✓)
                 FACEBOOK (✓)
                 TWITTER (✓)
and we say we are secure.Well in today's age when everything is 
online hacker's can pose a great threat.When the prominent 
technology companies like Microsoft, Facebook,Twitter 
couldn't protect themselvesfrom hackers then any site can get 
hacked.Microsoft assured that none of the customer data had 
been compromised but with their new OS "windows 8" and this 
hacking incident I must say people are worried.A similar hacking 
attempt was made earlier to social networking leader Facebook Inc. and Twitter.
So my question to the reader is "are you safe??" because you never 
know it can be a phising page or an attempt to lure you so that your
life can be hacked too...!!!

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