Saturday, 23 February 2013

Hackers list : MICROSOFT (✓)

Hacking list :   MICROSOFT (✓)
                 FACEBOOK (✓)
                 TWITTER (✓)
and we say we are secure.Well in today's age when everything is 
online hacker's can pose a great threat.When the prominent 
technology companies like Microsoft, Facebook,Twitter 
couldn't protect themselvesfrom hackers then any site can get 
hacked.Microsoft assured that none of the customer data had 
been compromised but with their new OS "windows 8" and this 
hacking incident I must say people are worried.A similar hacking 
attempt was made earlier to social networking leader Facebook Inc. and Twitter.
So my question to the reader is "are you safe??" because you never 
know it can be a phising page or an attempt to lure you so that your
life can be hacked too...!!!

Make money on your site

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